Photo of Luis Molina Spain

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Luis Molina Sanchez White nascent November 25, 1933. Since just your thumb ejercisu fondness for drawing, highlighting significant. Cursestudios of Arts and Crafts and Fine Arts in Madrid, besides being Professor of Education. His great passion was always painting and drawing comics, although throughout his life, his restless and creative spirit has led him to play other fields, such as sculpture, printmaking, photography...

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Photo of Luis Molina Spain

Luis Molina Sanchez White nascent November 25, 1933. Since just your thumb ejercisu fondness for drawing, highlighting significant. Cursestudios of Arts and Crafts and Fine Arts in Madrid, besides being Professor of Education. His great passion was always painting and drawing comics, although throughout his life, his restless and creative spirit has led him to play other fields, such as sculpture, printmaking, photography ae even literature. Luis Molina is a gentle and great culture. Although White spent her childhood, AFTER has been traveling constantly between his hometown of Madrid and Paris. Afincdefinitivamente White was in the year 1984. During his military service in Valencia, had contacts with a number of publishers that allflorecan at little, including the Editorial Maga. But it was in the works realizsus Editorial Andaluza where in the world of comics, as lanzla collection "Bronze Puo (now reissued with two new numbers), being the author of the idea, guiny drawings. A short time later, while continuing Puo continula Bronze collection "Torg, son of Len" by Roldn, with l Comenza called "Prince Torg Len "ocupndose guiny also the drawing. But closing the publisher cortsu progresin, leaving even some of Puo Bronze numbers and unpublished completed. After the close of the publisher, is dedicated the teaching (including the teaching of drawing, of course) and pictorial exhibits, with countless stas made in cities like Paris, Madrid, Alicante , Murcia, Cartagena, etc. Not influenced by the work declares OF ANY painter, but sadmira to many, both Spaniards and foreigners, mainly French and English schools, for example: Vicente López (Valencia), Claudio Coello ( Madrid), Thomas Gainsborough (English school), Courbet (French school), etc. As a painter, was released to the public in his first individual exhibition in the hall of the CAM (Murcia) in 1964. He has received several awards for painting, as the First Prize in painting bullfighting Alicante (1984) or received in Los Narejos in 1965, although in general, is reluctant to participate in contests pictorial. At times it has occupied pages in the newspapers receiving favorable criticisms of their works. It should be noted also its artistic work in various churches and cathedrals, in which practically all the pictorial works are his "Two churches in Abarn (Murcia). -Church of the Virgen del Socorro (Murcia) and Ermita de Murcia. -Cathedral High in Bolivia. Throughout his long career he has also illustrated numerous books, but his main work is pictorial, outstanding in the production of portraits (which can include those made to the bullfighters Pepn Liria and Manzanares, and other personalities), Ascom landscapes and still lifes, which dominates with great teacher, encontrndose their works scattered throughout numerous. His latest solo exhibitions have been at the Casino de Murcia, several over the years 2001 and 2002. In October 2004, he worked at the Casino de Murcia Jess Earth exhibition, from his trip to Jerusalem, with huge success of criticism ypblico, and in 2006 introduced a new sample His work in the Exhibition Hall of the Casa de Cultura de Caravaca de la Cruz. Asmismo, the day May 27, 2005 were opened by Mayor White, D. Laorden Rafael Carrasco, part of the government team and Louis himself, two murals painted on the back wall of one of the main buildings of the town, entitled "The Valley of Earthly Delights" and "The 7 Wonders of the World", with numerous concurrence of audience and media. Today is dedicated entirely to painting, where portraits and commissioned work dealing with all their time. Note that recently has been created in his honor the "First International Edition of Award Luis comics Molina. "

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